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Department of Business Administration (Korea)


  • Learn Korean corporate management and train 100% Korean-speaking professional management staff to guide your future business using know-how.


  • Develop problem-solving skills through creative and innovative thinking.

  • Promoting entrepreneurship by upholding social values.

  • Knowledge of international business behavior and development of Korean language skills.


In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

  • Vocational classes are conducted in Korean

  • The training will be led by a Korean professor (Korean + professional course)

  • Graduating from a Korean partner school

  • Discounted tuition for exchange programs (Korean tuition in Mongolia)

  • Korean business major

  • It is possible to convert to other professions

  • Internship with Korean associations, companies and related organizations located in Mongolia

  • Facebook

Bachelor's program

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option 1 (core program) : 4 years of study at Ider University

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option 2 (Exchange Program): 3 years at Ider University + 1 year at a partner school

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option-3 (2 + 2 program): 2 years at Ider University + 2 years at a partner school

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option 4 (1 + 1 + 2 program) : 1 year at Ider University + 1 year exchange at a partner school + 2 years at a Korean school

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option-5 (3 + 1 + 2 Master's Extension Program): 3 years at Ider University + 1 year at a partner school + 2 years of continuing education for a master's degree

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

*** It is possible to transfer to other professions

Master's program

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.
Option 1 (core program) : 2 years of study at Ider University

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Option 2 (1 + 1.5 program): 1 year at Ider University + 1.5 years at a partner Korean university

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.


In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

1) TOPIK level 3-4

2) It is possible to transfer to other professions.

In the tense of the inward, the smoky.

Additional courses will be offered depending on the specifics of the school. (decided by the supervisor after consultation with the professor)

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